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The rapidly changing world is stimulating the search for creative solutions.

This search is particularly challenged in the field of project finance and development. Joint Stock Company “Congress-Prominvest” is proud to be at the forefront of this challenge.

Victor Glukhih
Member of the Board Congress Prominvest
"ICIE" President
Mikhail Nosanov
Board Chairman Congress Prominvest
"ICIE" Presidium member
Vladimir Zarubkin
Member of the Board Congress Prominvest
President & Chief Executive Officer
Vadim Kotelnikov
Member of the Board Congress Prominvest
Director General & Chief Innovation Officer


We are a Company that aligns Investors with capital to businesses seeking that capital.

The real benefit of working with us is that we already have the good businesses listed with our network.


We know exactly, how to match an idea with a project. 


Congress Prominvest provides bussiness consultancy, project development and support services to companies who are looking for business opportunities in Russia.


Our international experience


Our team has rich experience of working on diverse business projects in both Russian and international markets and bridging cultural differences and developing synergies between Russian and foreign companies.


Our unique competence


Through strategic alliance with the World's #1 in Business e-Coaching at https://www.1000ventures.com/ and its Russian sister e-Coach at https://www.cecsi.ru/ we are guiding international and Russian companies towards both effective and efficient business relationships.


Your unique benefits


Congress Prominvest is committed to assist your company in achieving long-term financial and strategic objectives of doing business in Russia. We have customers in more than 60 countries and our experience in facilitating international business projects and alliances is unmatched.


By maintaining its association with its projects “Congress-Prominvest” will continue to support them throughout their life.  



World's #1 in Business e-Coaching - Credentials
  • Arizona State University
  • UN Division for sustainable development
  • International Institute for Learning, Inc.
  • Business Australia
  • Credit City
  • Financing.RU.com



Singapore 2005



“I am totally rewriting my business plan for my TECHNICAL TOOLBOXES business based on your eBook. My latest efforts have already resulted in approval for a loan from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). Your advice is proving its worth in the form real dollars, thank you” – Thomas R. West, Canada – President, Board Member


© 2005  ЗАО "Конгресс-Проминвест"