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Our task is to increase the effectiveness of innovation activity of the society what would make the life of millions of people more comfortable and interesting


Who would dare renounce the opportunity of priority using a patented technical decision for the term of twenty years? Everyone among experienced managers or specialists in marketing would say that it’s a fault to miss it. Why so? The whole point is that:

  • putting acquired rights for the objects of intellectual property on the balance-sheet of an enterprise and their subsequent depreciation helps adjust the cost price of production;
  • the acquired right for inventions, industrial designs and other kinds of intellectual property appears to be a strategic resource as well as an additional instrument of competition;
  • assuming possession of a patent or a certificate for a technical decision is an additional means of increasing the level of economic security of a firm or a physical person.


Our Associated Patent Attorneys provide a full range of services including:

  • preparing documents required, e.g. description of an invention, a utility model or an industrial design, necessary for filing an application for a patent, conducting an information search in patent and scientific technical literature aiming at analyzing their patentability, as well as conducting communications with ROSPATENT related to applications, including preparation and submission of oppositions to the Patent Disputes Chamber, participating in the consideration of appeals in the same Chamber; keeping patents in force;
  • patenting in foreign countries on traditional procedure and PCT procedure;
  • elaboration of a trademark by our firm’s design group, preparing an application for trademark registration, conducting communications with the Patent Authority of the Russian Federation; as well as renewing of trademark registration;
  • filing opposition with the Patent Disputes Chamber for a trademark registration;
  • preparation for registering license contracts and assignment agreements for intellectual property objects;
  • protecting in court intellectual property rights-owners’ interests, e.g. preparing statements of claim and other documents required for disputes consideration, conducting legal examination;
  • preparing for registration of computer programs, databases and of the topologies of integrated circuits;
  • preparing for registration and depositing of copyright objects;
  • consulting on the matters of intellectual property protection and enforcement.


We keep enlarging the spectrum of its legal services provided, in particular our firm we perform:

  • juridical accompanying entrepreneurial activities of the firms,
  • protecting our clients’ interests in State Courts, State Power Institutions, e.g. in cases related to intellectual property objects,
  • registering Limited Liability Companies (OOO), Closed Joint-Stock Companies (ZAO), Open Joint-Stock Companies (OAO), Individual Entrepreneur (ИП), public organizations, as well as entering amendments into constituent documents,
  • registering economic societies with foreign investment;
  • accrediting subsidiaries and representations of foreign companies;
  • obtaining permit to work in Moscow and the Moscow Region for foreign citizens and apatrides while for employers – receiving permission to hire foreign manpower;
  • other legal services needed for your entrepreneurial activity.



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